Port Disney Water Works (under repair)
Port Disney Water Works, which provides all the clean, fresh water for the entire town of Port Disney, has sprung a few leaks in its main water treatment plant, and Donald Duck, Plumber, and his three assistants (and nephews) Huey, Dewey and Louie have arrived on the scene to fix the leaks and restore the water pressure to Port Disney.
Parked in front of the Water Works is a white van with:
Donald Duck and Nephews
“We’re Ducks- We Know Water!"
There is a metal water tower rising above the Disney Springs Water Works building, a three-story brick structure with limestone framing the doorway and spelling out the name of the facility across the upper façade. There are large, industrial-style windows on the upper walls of the building. Something seems to be wrong- water is leaking from the top of the water tower in several streams. This water is running down the façade of the building in several places. Several of the windows are broken out and a stream of water is shooting out of these broken windows, luckily landing in a splash area outside the building. These streams will randomly stop, then a new one will start from another window- plenty of random places to get wet!
Guests enter the front door of the tall, brick Port Disney Water Works building. The queue line passes beside the front office area (separated by a low wall from the queue). It’s empty, and the guests see why- the ceiling is leaking, badly! Water is leaking through the ceiling tiles- just a drip in some places and a steady stream in others- running across the floor from overflowing buckets and soaking the papers on the desks. The queue next takes them through the “Water Works Operations Control Center,” also abandoned and also soaked from leaks in the ceiling. Even the drinking fountain in the corner is stuck on and overflowing! Several non-functioning and now-dark factory control panels have closed-circuit television monitors, showing mostly just static, but occasionally they all will come on, at first with just a fuzzy picture. Shortly, the picture comes into focus and Scrooge McDuck, the second richest duck in the world, appears on the screens (located in several locations throughout the room so that everyone can see him give the safety lecture).
“There you are! It’s about time you inspectors got here! I want you to get inside the Water Works and see how the repairs are coming. I hired my nephew Donald and those three rambunctious boys Huey, Dewey and Louie to get inside the water treatment plant and fix whatever went wrong. There’s a lot of water leaking inside, so you’ll find a boat waiting to carry you through the plant. It might be a little bit wet inside there, so keep your hands, legs, webbed feet and bills inside the boat at all time, and stay seated! I’m not going to pay you worker’s compensation if you don’t follow the rules! Now get in there and I expect a full report from you about how things are going inside. Get to work!”
The guests, now “inspectors,” leave the control room and enter the “Loading Dock”, where they board sixteen-person boats (four persons/per row and four rows/boat and of the same design as a basic Shoot-the-Chutes water ride) and begin their “inspection” of the massive Water Works facility.
(This is NOT intended to resemble a real water treatment plant- no large tanks of incoming sewage, nothing gross or unpleasant, just plenty of fresh, clean water and what looks like miles of leaky pipes. The boats stay in water-filled channels throughout the entire attraction, even though all of the different scenes will be portrayed in rooms that have the floor entirely covered with water.)
(Throughout the ride the guest “inspectors” will see multiple scenes of Donald and his nephews (animatronics) trying to fix leaks all over the facility, with Donald spending more time trying to fix the bigger messes that the boys are causing. The scenes will be arranged so that guests will never be able to see the animatronic characters more than one at a time- they won’t be able to see Donald fixing a leak AND Donald unplugging a drain. Sightlines will be carefully designed to avoid this.)
The boats enter the actual ride building from the Loading Dock through a long passage. Along the side of this passage they see Donald leading his nephews into the Water Works, each carrying plumber’s tools, pipes, plungers, and maybe a ladder, with Donald telling the boys:
“Let’s go, boys! We have to get this fixed, and no fooling around! We have work to do!”
The boat leaves this passage and enters the first water chamber, which (like all the following chambers) is filled with large metal tanks, pipes, hoses and other water-treatment-plant-type equipment. It looks like everything is leaking- water is spraying from between connecting joints in the pipes; water is cascading from the top of tall tanks where it is overflowing; water is spraying up like fountains from under the surface of the water that completely covers the floor of each chamber. We see Donald up on a ladder that is leaning precariously against one of these tanks, stretching to grab ahold of a large, rusty valve which is just out of his reach, while two of the boys are trying to unsuccessfully steady the ladder (which is teetering back-and-forth). The third nephew is playing with a bank of valves labeled “Water Pressure Control”, and as he turns a valve, water suddenly sprays from several pipes, spraying the boat (not a strong, forceful spray but a fun yet soaking spray).
Scenes like this continue throughout the ride. The next scene shows Huey and Dewey using plungers on drains in the floor, and every time they plunge downwards water shoot up from another drain, hitting Donald either in the face or in his rear. Just past this, Louie is seen pulling on a chain attached to a series of valves overhead, and as he pulls down a series of rain-type shower heads release water over the boat and its riders.
The next chamber has all three boys climbing up and onto a massive, twisted maze of pipes that form a wide passage for the boat to sail through. They are using pipe wrenches to twist and tighten (or more likely loosen) the joints holding the pipes together. Water is spraying out from these joints, and the boat and its now totally drenched “inspectors” gets even wetter (if possible). Donald is yelling at the boys in his traditional Donald Duck manner, and occasionally a water jet sprays him either in the face or- once again- at his rear end.
Passing through this watery tunnel the boat now proceeds around a large, round pool of water with several pipes dumping water into the pool. This is not just an ordinary pool, but is a large whirlpool with the water swirling down into the center, where it disappears. Donald, standing beside this whirlpool, is holding onto three ropes, each which is tied onto an inner tube, and who is on the inner tubes? Huey, Dewey and Louie! They’re not scared, though- instead, they are having a wonderful time! Huey is relaxing on his tube, wearing sunglasses with white sunscreen on his bill as he “catches some rays”; Dewey is sitting on the edge of his tube, fishing; Louie is using it as a surfboard, hanging ten (webbed toes). Donald is hollering- as usual- at the boys while he tries to save them from getting sucked into the whirlpool, but they’re just having fun!
The final scene, the “grand finale”, is set in the largest chamber in the ride, a huge room filled with geysers of water shooting up through drains, water spraying all over the place from dozens of leaky pipes, showers raining onto the boats from leaking pipes and overflowing tanks overhead- and in the middle of this madhouse of water the “inspectors” see a rowboat, with Huey, Dewey and Louie sitting in the bow of the boat, wearing yellow rain slickers and holding umbrellas while poor Donald is manning (ducking?) the oars, trying to get out of this hopeless situation.
The boats with the totally soaked “inspectors” passes out of this chamber into a smaller
factory hallway. A scene to the right of the boat shows a totally soaked Donald standing
there, staring in frustration as his three dry nephews are pointing at something, a large
valve with a sign above it saying, “Emergency Shut-off Valve.
“Uncle Donald, is this what you were looking for?” says Huey.
The boats exit the hallway and return to the unloading station, where the completely
drenched “inspectors” disembarked and leave the Water Works, passing by a PhotoPass
booth where they can see pictures of themselves taken on the ride, with superimposed
photos of Huey, Dewey, Louie and Donald sitting in the boat with them.